Establish a personal relationship with your insurance agent, just like you do with your restaurant’s regulars. Learn how RFME helps restaurant owners protect their business.
Every restaurant has its regulars.
You know their order, their drink, maybe even how they tip. When you establish a personal relationship with your regulars, you develop a rapport that makes your job more pleasant…and your business more predictable.
We believe in the importance of regularity in our industry too. You need an insurance agent you can trust, who understands the restaurant business and can recommend the right coverage to meet your needs.
Whether you need to cover your building, your service, or your employees, Roby Foster Miller Earick (RFME) Insurance will keep you protected. We provide workers’ compensation coverage, business auto, commercial general liability, and property insurance to make sure your restaurant doesn’t get stuck in a tough spot.
Let’s talk about your insurance needs – request a quote today or give us a call. We serve the Mansfield area (419) 524-8411 and Columbus, Ohio (740) 362-2334.